Saturday, January 2, 2016

STRESS BUSTERS (iii)......................................

Have you tried the priority setting and decision making techniques? If not, at least try it for a week.

I am sure you will notice that your productivity has improved. Reason is clear. With priority setting and decision-making, you will know what is important for you. Your mind will be free of cluttering thoughts. Your focus, concentration and involvement to do the task will increase.

There is another important method to bust stress and anxiety and that is-

“Living in the present moment.”

There is no new activity to be learned here. The only skill that needs to be learned is to 'slow- down'.

Slow down at least for some time in a day so that you can be more aware of the present moment, be completely involved in it and able to experience the joy of being in it.  

Meditation is one of the best ways to ‘slow-down and calm your mind. Various researches have proved that it helps in the healing of mind and body. In meditation you train your mind to focus on one thing. One of the ways is to focus on your breathing. If you master deep breathing then you can relax your mind anytime anywhere and in any situation.

Taking time out of your busy schedule and focusing on what you have and being grateful for that and proactively helping others increase your overall well being and prepare you to deal effectively with your frustration, stress, anger, jealousy and depression. Researchers have found that pro-social behavior increases positive emotions in people and they express less negative emotion in stressful situations. You can test the validity of these findings very easily. Help someone and see how you feel.  

Everyday activities can also help us relieve anxiety and stress. I am mentioning only some of these. You can choose some of the activities mentioned below or can make your own list.  
But remember to ‘slow-down’ while doing those activities and remember the underline objective to learn to “focus on the present moment.”

An activity as simple as, preparing a nice cup of tea and while drinking, appreciating its color, aroma and taste can be very relaxing. 

Same is with cooking. Color, aroma and taste of the vegetables, fruits, and spices can uplift your mood and calm your nerves.

Writing can be very relieving. Writing helps you express your feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a constructive way. You get more clarity about yourself when you write. Find a quiet corner in your home and start writing whatever comes to your mind and break that frozen sea within!!

Reading is another effective way to relax. It will take your mind away from day- to-day distractions and fuel your knowledge, imagination and creativity. Reading stories can be very cathartic. Life histories will not only motivate and inspire you but also help you deal with your stressful situations. Reading will also help you connect to the world and broaden your world view.

Reading is no less than a time machine.

We are social beings and it is very important for us to remain connected with each other. Meaningful and healthy relationships work as a buffer in challenging times. Like plants, relationships require attention and care. The most effective way to nurture a relationship is to ‘be fully present’, actively listen, accept and express yourself. 

May it be your friend, spouse, parents, siblings, children, extended family or other significant people in your life. When you are with them, slow-down and enjoy their presence and create beautiful memories.   

The list of activities can be endless. Make your own choice. Just keep in mind the final objective that is to slow- down and be in the present moment.

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