Thursday, January 21, 2016

EXAM ANXIETY- Negative Thought Buster.............

     Cognitive Techniques:
These are very effective techniques to master your thoughts. 

You will agree that most of the time it is not the situation but your negative thoughts that make you anxious and tense.
For example, you are not able to complete your task and you start thinking that you will not be able to complete the course before the exams. 

Many of us have irrational thoughts when we are under stress. 

But there are ways to control negative thoughts. I will share the process of two very important techniques which you can use to control your negative thoughts, one in this blog and the second in the next one. 

You may find the process somewhat unusual, but sometimes doing something different is more effective than doing something usual!!


Remember what were you thinking before you became anxious and tense.

Write down those thoughts on a paper. You will realize that most of them are negative and over-generalized statements.

Make a list of these thoughts from least anxiety-provoking to most anxiety-provoking ones.

Attend to your anxiety-provoking thought when it comes to your mind. Focus your whole attention on it as if you are listening to a person. Just listen to your thought. While you are listening, deep breath, stay calm and do not respond.

You may notice that after sometime the thought fades. 

If it comes again, repeat the process. After some time the thought will lose its power to control you.

If the thought still bothers you then use visualization technique-

You may like to close your eyes before visualizing the scene. 
Think about your thought as a person who is bothering you. Say or shout “STOP” at the thought and ask it to go away.

You can also imagine creating a bubble around your thought. 
Hold the bubble in your hand and press it hard and burst it. Watch it disappearing and then re-focus on your task. 

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