Wednesday, January 20, 2016

EXAM ANXIETY- Time- Management......................


Exam time, and there is a lot to read, understand, revise and retain in limited days. The best way you can manage this time pressure is by managing it.

The first step is to plan-
Write down what you want to achieve.
Now convert this objective into goals.
-      Long-Term Goals like planning for a month.
-      Short Term Goals. Planning for a week, for a day or for some hours is a short term goal.
Short terms goals are the sub tasks to achieve the long term goals.

Follow the ‘SMART’ strategy to set both types of goals-
 When you write down your plan in this way you will find that what you earlier thought un-achievable now seems achievable. You will gain confidence and your focus, efficiency and productivity will increase.

There is no hard and fast rule to write down your goals.

Some students write in tabular form, long-term goals on the top and short term goals below them.
 Some choose to draw stairs, Last step on the top represents long-term-goal and other steps represent short term goals or tasks to achieve the long term goal.

Some student benefit by drawing floors, top floor is the long-term-goal and different floors are short term goals.

Steps and floors give the clarity what to do first and then next and next.
Be creative in developing your own plan.

Whatever way you choose to define your goals, keep yourself motivated. Reward yourself for successfully completing your goals. It is better if you decide about the reward beforehand.
You may also set a fine for yourself for not achieving the target. It could be, for example, skipping your favorite TV show.
If you reinforce yourself in this way you will see that your motivation to complete the next level goes high.

Now the question that comes to mind is which goal to achieve first?

The answer is simple- ‘Set Priorities.’

See my blog ‘Stress Busters’ and learn how to set the priorities.’

 In short, remember following points-
-      To make a ‘To-Do-List.’
-      Do one task at a time.
-      First complete the tasks which are urgent or have deadlines.
-      Next focus on the difficult and important tasks.
-      In the last focus on simple and interesting tasks.
In the initial week assess your accomplishments. You might need to do some adjustments in your plan, which is ok. We may not be able to make an achievable plan in the first go!! So be easy on yourself.

When you are creating your plan, keep in mind whether you are a morning person or an evening person. What it means, be aware of the time of the day when your energy levels are high.
We all are different and so we work best at different times of the day. Your friends can have different study-times depending on their energy levels. Don’t plan your task based on what others are doing.
But do plan a common free time with your friends so that you all can meet and spend time together. Sharing light moments with them will keep you energetic and break your monotonous routine.

Now get ready to meet your targets. But before you start you need to do one more thing, may be a very difficult thing.  Get away from things that can distract you from your aim.
Electronic media may consume your time and drain you of your energy.

Comfortable cozy bed may tempt you to sleep for ‘some time.’ You know well how ‘sleeping for some time’ converts into ‘sleeping for hours’ and you can well imagine the rest of the story !!
Take small breaks and do what you like to do within that time.  
One more important reminder, keep enough time for revisions!!

Time is precious but it’s never too late.

So plan your time and get into action !!

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