Wednesday, January 27, 2016

EXAM ANXIETY..... relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques:

Deep-Muscle-Relaxation : When we are tense or anxious, we feel stiffness in our muscles. Deep-Muscle-Relaxation technique will help you relax your muscles and release your tension. It is a very flexible technique and you can do it anytime and anywhere. You can decide to relax your whole body or a particular group of muscle. The detailed process is mentioned in my earlier article, Deep-Muscle-Relaxation
Take printout of the chart and keep it handy.  

Stretching Exercises: We all have learnt these in our schools. These are very simple exercises yet very effective to tone your muscles. Stretching your arms up and keeping your legs apart, standing like in a winning position actually boosts your self-confidence. Try it and you may also feel the same!!

Jogging: For some of you, light jogging may help relax and your mind and body. Remember not to exhaust yourself.

There are multiple other techniques to reduce your tension. Make a list of activities you really like to do and spend some time doing those in your ‘defined break-time.’ 

But always remember you are more important than your exam score !!!

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