Tuesday, January 19, 2016

EXAM FEVER...........

Exams are approaching and you are very busy studying. Just take some time off and answer the following questions.

-      Are you able to organize your time well?

-      Are you postponing your preparations though you know you it’s the right time to start?

-      Are you trying to understand the material but not 
    able to comprehend?

-      Are you not able to concentrate?

-      Are you spending more time thinking ‘what if I am not able to perform well in the exams?

If you say yes to any of the above statements then you are not alone. There are millions of students who think just like you.

This thinking is actually the 'Exam Anxiety.'

It is normal to feel mild anxiety when exams are near. Rather it is necessary. 

Mild level of tension-  

- motivates you to study. 

- increases your determination and concentration. 

- improves your decision-making, problem-solving and time-management skills.

While high level of tension is overwhelming and interferes with your studies as well as your performance in the exams.

When you are highly anxious you-

-  may not be able to focus and organize your thoughts.

- may not not be able to recall important concepts.

- may not be able to understand the questions.

- may feel that your mind becomes blank.

In addition you may develop other symptoms like-



Upset stomach                                                                      
Increased heart rate 

 Increased perspiration

Sweaty hands

Fear of failure 

Nail biting                                                                                 

Mood swings 

Panic and hopelessness                                                         

Excessive daydreaming

Increase or decrease in appetite                                             


Negative self defeating thoughts                           

Escaping behaviors like increase in partying or rooming here and there without work. etc.

Now the question is, can we do something to reduce the exam- anxiety?

The answer is YES !! 

In my next blog I will share some of the well proven strategies to reduce your exam anxiety.

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