Friday, January 22, 2016

EXAM ANXIETY- Developing Rational Thinking................

Developing Rational Thinking:

The other cognitive technique to deal with one’s stress and anxiety is by developing rational thinking.

Let us learn how to do it-

First of all it is very important to understand two main parts of exam anxiety 

            a. Thoughts                 b. Feelings

You may be aware that the way we think affects the way we feel.

Imagine a party you recently attended and enjoyed a lot.

Now imagine every detail of it: your friends, foods, music, lights etc. While you are imagining the great party, how are you feeling?

Are you feeling sad, frustrated, angry or you are feeling happy and excited
I am sure you must be feeling happy or excited, may be you are smiling right now!!

The same happens when you think about a difficult situation. You become sad or tense or anxious.

If your exam-related thoughts are negative and persistent, then those will create anxiety, fear and apprehension in you.

So what to do about these thoughts? The answer is simple. Interpret those thoughts, by ‘Thought-Replacement-Technique.’

What it means is replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones.

Think about your past achievements, your present achievements, anything that makes you feel competent and confident.

Remember, it is a skill and you have to practice to master it.
Remind yourself that-
‘I will do it.’
‘I will give my best.’
‘I will pass this exam.’
‘I will focus on my readings.’

You can make your own positive statements too; read those statements loud so that you can hear your voice. Talk to yourself till the time you feel relaxed and focused.

You may think this will not work. I have not heard anyone doing this. But all the successful people do talk to themselves in positive way.

Try it and it may work for you too!!


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