Monday, April 4, 2016

Couple Therapy- Addressing Depression....

Depression is very common in today’s world. It affects not only the individual who has it, but also the partner and other members of their family.

The impact of depression varies depending on the severity of depression. Some couples suffer badly because of one partner’s major depression. They are either living parallel lives or are living separately. If they have children the latter are the worst affected. Such couples get caught in a vicious circle in such a way that untreated depression deteriorates their relationship and deteriorating relationship aggravates depression and hopelessness. At some stage it becomes difficult to pinpoint the actual cause and effect.

Major depression continues to reoccur and it becomes a life-time challenge, taxing the couple emotionally, financially and socially.

It has been observed that individual or partner-involved therapy may not be effective in major depression. Couple therapy, especially Behaviour Couple Therapy  may, however, prove effective since it takes into account the reciprocity of relationship distress and depression. It aims to change the relationship to alleviate depression. BCT is based on the reasoning that thinking, feeling and behaviour are inter-related and a change in one brings a change in the other two. Since behaviour is observable and measurable, BCT stresses to change the behaviour. It focuses on changing the communication, problem-solving skills, cognitive functioning and intimacy.

BCT assumes that depression develops when people do not get an appropriate positive reinforcement after showing the desired behaviour. Various experiments have demonstrated that performance level decreases when the organism fails to get a certain reward that it used to get earlier. Depression also develops when people are not able to avoid aversive stimuli. Experiments have proved that an animal develops helplessness when his instrumental behaviour fails to terminate an aversive stimulus.

BCT focuses on changing the relationship patterns of couples which may have caused helplessness and hopelessness and so indirectly it treats the depression. BCT also collaborates with pharmacological treatment if symptoms are severe and there are safety issues.

The assessment process of BCT is very intensive. The therapist assesses both; the relationship functioning and individual functioning. The assessment is rather an intervention in itself as the therapist tries to create positive feelings and hope in the couple. BCT applies various techniques to have a clear cut assessment of the severity of the problem. Therapist interacts with the couple, asks questions, takes history, and enquires about their future plans. He/she also talks to each partner separately. In addition therapist uses various self-report questionnaires.

Since BCT acknowledges that  all these techniques have their own limitations to give accurate data as depressed people have pessimistic view about themselves and others, so it asserts to rely on the clinical observation of the therapist for the final conclusion. Therapist actually utilizes negative appraisals in determining the cognitive patterns and the areas of dissatisfaction of each partner.

In the last part of assessment,  the therapist shares the observation and assessment with the couple, conveys to them the importance of their role in the treatment process, gives rationale of BCT and set certain rules for the treatment sessions. Of the two main rules; first is that till the treatment is over they will postpone any plans for separation and the second is that they will not keep any secrets from each other.

All techniques of BCT are well structured. Sometimes giving some psycho-education is also helpful. Positive reinforcement is given after thorough investigations.

BCT also stresses on communication. This is very important because depressed people are passive and they avoid interaction. Partners are also trained to resolve small problems together and are encouraged to resolve complex issues.

BCT is an optimistic approach. When it is used in collaboration with medical therapy it can give significant positive results. 

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