Friday, March 11, 2016

Examination- 'Only way to golden door to bright it really ? Part II

Every year during and after the examination many students contemplate or take the extreme step of taking their own life. Mostly it comes as a shock to parents and teachers.

Examination stress is real. Don’t assume that once the examination is over stress will go away on its own. Do not assume that “my child cannot harm himself/herself.”

It may not go away if the student develops psychological pain due to loss of self-esteem and failure to live up to parental expectations.

Suicidologist, Shneidmen, explained that “In almost every case, suicide is caused by… psychological pain, or “psycheache”…. Suicidal death, in other words, is an escape from pain….” Psychache is the hurt, anguish, or ache that takes hold in the mind…. The pain of excessively felt shame, guilt fear anxiety, loneliness, angst and dread…….. It’s introspective reality is undeniable. Suicide happens when the psychache is deemed unbearable and death is actively sought to stop the unceasing flow of painful consciousness.”

It’s is very important for parents, teachers and other significant people in student’s life to notice any warning signs and take help.

A marked change is student’s mood and behaviour may be a significant warning of possible suicide. For example student-  
·         Becomes depressed and withdrawn.
·         Undergoes marked decline in self-esteem.
·         Shows Deterioration in personal hygiene.
·         Shows unusually impulsive and or reckless behaviour, including self mutilating.
·         Gives away prized possessions, or unusual gift-giving.
·         Writes  stories and poems about death, dying, or suicide
·         Profound loss of interest in studies.
·         Stops attending classes and stays at home most of the day or runs away from home.

·         Communicates the distress to at least one other person, often in the form of a veiled suicide warning.

·         Saying things like, “I’d be better off dead,” “I wish I could disappear forever,” or “There’s no way out.”

·         Speaking positively about death or romanticizing dying (“If I died, people might love me more”)

The impact of examination stress increases many fold if there are other stressful events happening in the student’s life like loss of a close interpersonal relationship, often the breakup of a romantic relationship, accident, illness or death in the  family etc.

So it’s high time to come out of denial that your child or student will never think about taking the extreme step.

Our awareness can save many precious lives.

Reference: Abnormal Psychology- James N. Butcher ; 13th ed.


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