Tuesday, December 29, 2015

STRESS BUSTERS (!!)............................

 I am sure you will agree that “Indecisiveness” is another important cause of our stress and anxiety.

In a world full of choices sometimes we get overwhelmed and are not able to make a decision.

This indecision may be the result of the fear of making a wrong decision.

What do we do then-  

-We may decide to make the decision later on.  
I will decide when……”

-We may take a chance and decide on the basis of our limited knowledge. 
“I will try and see what happens.”  

-We may just decide on our gut feeling. 

“I just know this is right for me. I cannot explain but this is what I want to do.”


-We may ask others for help and we may get advice based on their experience and expertise.

We may do some research and then make a decision.

Except for procrastination all others methods may help you to make your choice.

There is another very effective method to make your decision using comparison matrix.

You can use this method to decide for an option or to compare different options. It is a very simple technique.

You just need to draw a four box table like below.

-Think about the option and write down all the points that come in your mind. Try to focus and fill one box at a time. Soon you will have all your thoughts on the paper in an organized way. Read all your points again, compare, analyze and make the decision.

If still indecisive then analyze it more objectively.

Assess each point on a 100 point scale of significance in making a decision, 1 as least significant and 100 as most significant. You will get a value for each box. Compare and decide.

This method is very effective in making a decision. You can evaluate each aspect of the decision - your priority, your aspirations and long term goals, your interest, feasibility, time and effort.

This is one of the favorite tools of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

              So make the decision and  keep stress and anxiety under check!!